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Buka bersama Asia Dagang

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Jadi Chi itu tdak kasat mata energi yang mengalir di tubuh bukan darah bukan urat syaraf tetapi energi yang tidak terlihat seperti life source atau life force yah kurang lebih use the force luke gitu.

chi itu berjalan di meridian ... ada 4 meridian utama ada 4 lagi sekunder
ada yang namanya meridian macro
ada yang namanya meridian micro

ahhh bingung

Blog editor

blog editor dari flock mau coba ngetest fungsinya apa yah kayanya oke juga
bisa masukin foto langsung masa sih coba ahhhh gak bisa harus pake url
mungkin daftar dulu di tinypicture.com

Blogged with the Flock Browser


Masa nggak bisa ada label sih

Masa nggak ada label sih jadinya kan nggak lucu di RSS nggak muncul label nama postingnya aneh banget deh

My Baby Girl Chinese Zodiac

My baby Girl
Adriane Divina Hambali
3,2 kg 51cm

Chinese Symbols
Animal Symbol
Ancient Symbol
Element Symbol
The Pig
The Boar
Brief Description
Pigs are very tolerant, kind and courteous with inner strength. They can be naive and too impulsive at times.
Positive Traits
sensible, sensual and sensitive, sweetly naive, caring, self-sacrificing, erudite, talented, open-handed, candid, outgoing, amusing, charitable, obliging, graciously hospitable and virtuous
Negative Traits
hot-tempered, pessimistic, outrageously epicurean, earthy to a fault, sardonic, snobbish, snide, authoritarian, competitive, know-it-all, stingy, victimized and sometimes downright criminally mad at the world
General Description
of All Pigs

"Its better to give than to receive" would probably be the Pig's motto. Pigs are more comfortable giving of their own time or attention than they are to ask others for it. They do not find asking for help an easy task and would rather carry the burden themselves. Pigs will do anything they can to maintain a sense of peace amongst family or friends. This can lead to a tendency to be taken advantage of, but Pigs basically forgive and forget everything. They are compassionate souls who simply want to keep the peace.
Detailed Description
of The Fire Pig
Active, outgoing and extroverted, Fire Pigs breathe new life into everything they do. These Pigs are vivid, motivated individuals who cannot be deterred from a goal once they have set it. They are emotional and passionate about their loved ones, their occupations and their objectives. They are bold and vivacious, unafraid to take risks despite the consequences. They make great bosses because they do work so hard and because they are so spirited. But don't doublecross a Fire Pig. They have the ability to be quite abrasive when things don't turn out as they planned.

Idea for next project

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